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The Sri Aurobindo Online Ashram

A warm welcome!

Sri Aurobindo was one of the most outstanding Indian spiritual masters and visionaries of the 20th century. He not only brought together the various traditional spiritual systems of India in a unique synthesis. Together with the French Mira Alfassa – called „The Mother“ – he developed Integral Yoga, a perspective that combines the traditional depth of Indian spirituality with the life-affirming attitude of the West. This spiritual vision has the potential to become a powerful foundation for a profound spirituality of our modern times.

The path of the ashram

The Sri Aurobindo Ashram would like to offer a framework for people around the globe to get to know the work of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, to deepen it, but above all to practise it together. The central point of the practice is to leave behind the many and very sophisticated concepts of Sri Aurobindo’s work and to immerse ourselves together in the silence and luminous presence of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Here we can trustingly open ourselves to the divine power – traditionally called Shakti in India – and allow it to pervade and guide us.

The Sri Aurobindo Ashram started as an online-only project with the vision of bringing people together around the globe. However, organising alive meetings in different places around the world and forming regional alive groups are also a vision. The central language will be English. However, we will try to work with as much translation work as possible in order to be able to include as many interested people as possible.

The spiritual practice

1. The aim of the practice

In the Sri Aurobindo Online Ashram we want to follow the path of yoga as set out by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. The aim of yoga is the realisation of the divine being that underlies everything and to become open to the action of divine love and power. We want to allow it to make us more and more the instrument of the divine working. A transformation of this earthly life in matter into a life from the fullness and power of divine being is the great vision of this yoga.

2. The three yogas

The way to achieve this is the balanced integration of the three classical Indian yoga paths: the path of devotion (Bhakti Yoga), the path of attaining knowledge of being (Jnana Yoga) and the yoga of selfless working for and in God. (Karma Yoga). In our shared practice, we put a lot of emphasis on balancing understanding and spiritual experience. We are concerned with finding creative new ways to live this yoga in practice and to combine contemplative introspection with inspired activity.

The framework

Meetings and meditations

Several times a week we offer online meditations in which we become silent and contemplate texts from the Indian tradition, especially from Sri Aurobindo, in order to find our way deeper and deeper into spiritual experience. A special concern of ours is the experience of community and connection, which should be nurtured through regular personal exchange. The meditations are timed so that people from as many time zones as possible can participate. We also offer regular online seminars and retreats where we can deepen the shared practice and community experience. For more information, times and dates, please feel free to sign up for our regular newsletter.


In order for the Ashram to function and grow, we are dependent on regular support – both financially and through active help. We would be happy if you could find out more about how you can support the Ashram in your own way by clicking on the button below.


The YouTube Channel

On the YouTube channel we regularly publish meditations, teachings and recorded seminars or question and answer sessions. There are also videos with basic explanations of Sri Aurobindo’s spirituality, the ashram and our practice. The YouTube channel is thus a centre of our activity and we would be very happy if you subscribe to it and recommend it to other interested people.

Write us

If you are interested in what we have to offer, please do not hesitate to contact us. All questions are welcome and we can look for answers to your very personal concerns.